About Eryn


MA in Education, University of Roehampton

Diploma in SpLD (Dyslexia), Institute of Education, UCL
Level 7 Specialist Assessor of SpLD
Level 5 Specialist Teacher of SpLD

AMBDA Dyslexia, AMBDA Dyscalculia

National SENCo Award, University of Roehampton

Post Graduate Certificate in Literacy Difficulties, University of Roehampton

Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), Kingston University
Qualified Teacher Status with Maths Specialism


17 years of experience in schools encompassing:
14 years of SENCo and SEN leadership
Specialist teacher and class teacher roles in both primary and secondary, state and independent sectors

Guest speaker and AMBDA Tutor on the SpLD programme for specialist teachers at the Institute of Education, UCL

I also work as a freelance assessor for the Helen Arkell Charity and you can expect the same high standards and attention to detail

2.5 years in conducting specialist assessments for pupils with SpLDs
Professional affiliations

Assessment Practising Certificate Holder, APC number: 500003331-IF9662

Professional PATOSS Member

Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association (BDA)

Associate Member of the Dyscalculia Network